How to teach the David and Goliath Lesson with BONUS Sling Shot Craft activity for Preschoolers.

The story of David and Goliath in the Bible is an all-time favorite of mine. It is particularly relatable to young children, as David was only a young boy at the time of his great victory against Goliath. This story teaches the value of strength and power despite one’s age.  It is important that our children know and internalize their value, their strength, and their own courage.  That they stand up to Giants in their life with confidence and are not easily dissuaded because of their youth. The story of David and Goliath is the perfect example.

Keywords to reinforce: Confident and Courageous.

Review the Story

I started out with the children’s version of this bible story.  I first read it there, to introduce the simple version of the story.

Next, I read 1 Samuel Chapter 17 from the bible. Feel free to read the story ahead of time to refresh yourself. I suggest choosing a translation that is easy for you to break down for your little one. I chose the NIV version.  Although there were more than a few pauses to regain their attention, they were still captivated because they had a frame of reference for the story, and they knew what to expect in the end.  When reading, it is always helpful to be animated, make large gestures with you body and face, and create as many sound effects as you can to keep your little one entertained. 

Follow up Questions

-Was David brave or scared?

-What did King Saul say to David when David asked to defeat the Giant Philistine?

-Did David get discouraged or sad when King Saul did not believe in him at first?

-What did David use to defeat the Giant Philistine?

-What did David win when he finally defeated the Giant?

Sling Shot Activity

Thereafter we created the slingshot and found a small rock from outside to practice with.  Once your little completes a successful shot, they will be smiling in triumph like David. Check out my article on how to make a kids sling shot for full instructions.


Follow up the story with a recap question: What did you learn about David today?

Points to Reinforce

-Even though you are young and small, you can still beat the Giants in your life.  

-David was unafraid because he knew that he had God on his side. Be courageous against any enemy (or bully) and know that God is on your side.

-Be confident in your abilities. David was confident in himself and knew that he could do it. Even if you are small and young, you can still be confident like David.

*If you enjoyed this activity then check out The Story, Power and Meaning of Moses Staff.


How to teach your toddler about emotions. PLUS Children’s book review of “The Way I Feel” by Janan Cain.