Self Care Chelsea Self Care Chelsea



Self-Care is essential to running an efficient family, work, marriage, and home balance. YOU are the heartbeat of everything that happens around you, and thus you must always stay ahead of the game as a mom. Believe it or not, it all starts with putting yourself first. Your needs! Who would have thought?!? But yes, it is true. This self care assessment addresses all of your self care needs, with self care ideas, and self care resources all in one. Explore self care kits, self care cards, and what you can use to add to your self care routine. Start the assessment, then share it with a friend.

self care love

Self-Care is essential to running an efficient family, work, marriage, and home balance. YOU are the heartbeat of everything that happens around you, and thus you must always stay ahead of the game as a mom. Believe it or not, it all starts with putting yourself first. Your needs! Who would have thought?!? But yes, it is true.

The benefits of self-care include you looking, and feeling better, on the outside and most importantly, the inside. When you establish a self-care routine, this consequently makes your family machine run better. Since you now have more energy, will-power, self-esteem and level headedness, you will inevitably conquer and manage each aspect of the day with grace, and control.

So, my question today is: How good are you being to yourself? I’m sure everyone will rave about you as a mom, a wife, an employee, but would you be able to say the same about how well you take care of your own self? Do you do a good job at loving you? God gave you this temple and put a soul in it. Are you doing your part to care for the needs of your temple, your soul, and your mind? Be mindful, not to neglect your body and soul. If your body and soul have no power, no energy, then how can you be an impactful individual, wife, or mother? Do you pay as much attention to yourself as you do your job, your marriage, or your kids? Let’s dive in and explore.

From your answers assess the priority you are placing on your own self-worth, and self-care. You will easily be able to determine self-care ideas that you should focus on once you review the assessment.

self care isnt selfish


1.       In the past year have I gotten a physical?

2.       Generally, have I paid attention to the changes in my body, (big or small) and do I run them by my physician to verify if it is or isn’t something to be concerned about?

3.       In the past year have I gotten a mammogram or a breast check?

4.       In the past year have I gotten a pap smear?

self care image going to doctor for well women exam

5.       In the past year have I gone to the dentist for a cleaning and follow-up dental work?

6.       In the past year have I gotten my eyes examined for glasses/contacts?

7.       In the past year have I followed up with a specialist for outstanding medical needs including but not limited to psychologist, psychiatrist to address my mental health and mental self care needs or otherwise?

8.       In the past 30 days have I tended to my nails, cuticles, and hands by cleaning, shaping, painting or manicuring my nails (by myself or by a professional)?

9.       In the past 30 days have I tended to my toenails and feet, cutting my toenails, washing and soaking my feet (by myself or by a professional)?

10.   In the past 30 days have I washed my hair, styled my hair, cut my split ends, or deep conditioned my hair for a healthy picture worthy hair day?

11.   In the past 30 days have I worn a pair of high heels, heeled boots, lingerie or enticing skirt/dress to feel sexy and sensual in my own skin?

12.   In the past 30 days have I applied make-up to a degree that makes me feel polished, confident, pretty, and proud of what I see in the mirror?

13.   In the past 30 days have I shaved my legs, and other areas of my body to keep my skin smooth?

14.   In the past 90 days this quarter, have I gone to a spa for a treatment, massage, sauna, or bath (at home, from my partner, or by a professional) for a tension and stress reliving purpose?

15.   In the past 24 hours have I been in communion and fellowship with the Holy Spirit via meditation, reading, gratitude journaling, daily devotional, bible app, through song, or through absorbing GODspiring messages?

16.   Am I intentionally scheduling a way to pull spiritual energy and refreshment from God Daily?

17.   In the past 7 days (this week) have I stretched my body, participated in intentional cardiovascular aerobic activity and/ or strength training to keep my body agile and strong?

18.   In the past 7 days (this week) have I delighted in mindless relaxation within a hobby of personal interest, that is not stress bearing, or associated with any monetary gain or agenda? (Ex: Coloring, Painting, watching an anticipated TV show, playing a mindless app game on my phone)

19.   In the past 7 days (this week) have I purchased something with myself in mind first, with no consideration of price, for my personal betterment and is not of dual use for the household or anyone else? (Ex: A Starbucks drink, a dress, or pair of shoes)

20.   In the past 30 days have I taken part of my own financial income to invest in my own dreams, betting on my own abilities to succeed, watering the seed of my own dreams to see my own goals manifest in my life?

21.   In the past 7 days (this week) have I utilized a skincare routine outside of facial soap, to remove uneven tones, reduce acne, prevent aging, and rehydrate the skin on my face?

22.   In the past 7 days (this week) have I utilized a daily body hydrating moisturizer, that prevents further stretch-marks and hydrates my skin so that when I take off my clothes my skin is not dry, ashy, or flaky when my partner touches my body?

23.   In the past 7 days (this week) have I chosen food choices that positively promote good gut health, and digestion so that I do not feel bloated, heavy, or tired?

24.   In the past 7 days (this week) have I been boldly outspoken about my rights and my needs, and have I validated myself and my emotions, without dismissing my thoughts or opinions as nonsense, or craziness?

25.   In the past 7 days (this week) have I said ‘no’ to the overwhelming additional requests of me from myself or others, that I know will clutter my mind, and make me less productive?

26.   In the past 7 days have I enjoyed sex, or pleased myself, so that I am made to feel good, release tension, and embrace my sexual needs?

27.   In the past 7 days have I scheduled alone time for myself (separate from my family, and out of reach for maternal or marital duties) to reflect, go walking, browse, write, or recharge?

28.   In the past 30 days have I reached out to my friends and family that I have mutualistic relationships with, to unload a burden of my own, obtain advice, seek assistance, request a favor, and lean on them as I am entitled to do?

29.   In the past 7 days have I given myself positive self-talk, boosting myself, cheering for myself in a consciousness manner to help me reach my greatest potential each day?

30.   Generally, do I speak life, and power into my own life situations that are not going well and may seem dismal?

31.   Have I forgiven myself of my mistakes, poor decisions, missteps, and failures, so that I can 100% commit my effort, focus and wellbeing that I will put into my tomorrow?

32.   Have I been playful, easy going, and relaxed in my spirit enough to let go of the things I cannot control, and take pleasure in the moments of which I am truly grateful?

33.   Generally, do I distance myself from social interactions that are not healthy for me?

34.   In the past 7 days have I prayed for myself, and asked God to guide or help me with my own big or small requests?

35.   Generally, do I communicate with God regularly, so I feel familiar to go to him during difficult times?

36.   Do I extend an invitation to myself to try new things, to reinvent myself, or to explore beyond my usual picks? (Ex: change in hair color, allowing yourself to cut or grow your hair, the audacity to wear bold colors or patterns, or trying something new on a menu)

If you answered any of these questions Yes, then Good for you! Keep it up! If you answered any questions No, then take the next few weeks to re focus on yourself and attend to those areas for your self care needs.

If this article helped you, then share this article with your best friend, sister, or mama. Let’s all live our best lives!

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