If you are looking for ideas on places to go and things to do with your preschooler or little one this summer, then you are in the right place. I’m so glad that you made it here. These activities are fun for kids and engaging for moms too!

You are in for an Epic Summer List!

Imagine that this summer you have each week on the calendar jam packed with fun activities and adventures. Each week would be something excited to look forward to and prepare for! Imagine the pictures that you will have 3 months from now, filled with bright smiles and fond memories! That is what we will show you how to create. Each idea below makes it easy to create those memorable moments. Scroll down to see what they are!

And if I don’t?

If you don’t plan out fun events, you could regret not maximizing the time. Don’t let the summer pass you by. With these article suggestions and a little planning, you are going to have an awesome summer, so enjoy the ride!

So then…show me this summer list.

-Take a Trip to the Zoo: Have a picnic, and animal scavenger hunt when you arrive.

-Take a Trip to the Aquarium: Watch aquatic themed movies days earlier, learn about sea animals, and play aquarium bingo when you arrive.

-Take a Trip to your local Nature Center: Learn about birds and reptiles from the park rangers then take a small walk for a picnic lunch. Bring binoculars and look for birds in the sky.

-Take a Trip to your local library: bring a craft to do in a reserved room and attend a story time.

-Take a Trip to a super large indoor playground: Take off your shoes, run around and visit each play area on each level.

-Take a Trip to Miniature Golf: Practice putt-putt Golf as a play date with friends.

-Visit a Summer concert: Select a free outdoor concert or even a mainstream character live in concert with sing-along.

-Visit a Movie on the lawn premier: Have a picnic dinner to their favorite kid’s movie.

-Take a trip to a kid friendly water park or splash fountain area.

-Take a Trip to the beach or boardwalk:  Build sandcastles, collect seashells, and make sea art.

-Host a Princess tea party: Gather caffeine-free teas, a fun tea set and princess gown attire.

-Host a Superhero or Wrestling themed T-ball game: Select a villain/heel themed pinata as the target.

The Happy Ending

With a positive attitude, a little determination and a camera to capture the highlights, you will have the best rolodex of memories to look back on this summer. Make it happen! Enjoy!


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